- Tigra
- Fantastic
- Globitron
- Death Squad SC
- Death Squad
- Wonder
- Plague
- Tiger
- Giant
- Kangaroo
- Coopman
- Carny
- Jinkies
- Supergum
- Tennis
- Paradise
- Wonderkid
- Rascal
- Bike
- Barnaby
- Wordsworth
- Sinafurter
- Popcorn
- Milk
- Malibu
- Der Weiner Stentzel
- Blingo
- Gringo
- Brute
- Blonk
- PixelPirate
- Tabletron
- Odysseus
- RunTron 1983
- Juice
- Supreme
- Dokyo
- Krupke
- Superfly
- Thursdoo
- PacFont Good
- Fresh Bionik SE
- Thug
- Rustler Rawhide
- Mixelate
- Slide
- Stoney Billy
- Chromeo
- Vice Squad
- Magnum
- Rustler Saloon
- Rustler Sheriff
- Rustler Fancy
- Rustler
- Plush
- Hustle
- Weltron Special Power
- Le Trick Series
- Freshbot
- Weltron Urban
- Astronaut III
- Astronaut
- Billo
- Manchester
- Weltron
- Weltron Power
- Rolloglide
- Mullet
- Planet
- Gravity
- Coney Island
- Cheeseburger
- Alba
- Stretch
- Cheri
- Charles Atlas
- Glee Club
- Deejay Supreme
- Freestyle
- Blackjack
- Air
- Dimitri Swank
- Moog Schmoog
- Moog
- moderna
- Dimitri
- Borneo
- Supervixen
- Redensek
- Dunebug
- Garanimals
- Pussycat
- Sanka
- Velcro
- Gas
- We Love Corey
- Monophonic
- Micro
- Schmotto
- Pasteris
- Metroplex
- Digit Lo-Fi
- Jenkins v2.0
- Digit Cube
- Digit
- the Kids
- BoozeBats
- Metrobot
- Kravitz Extra Thermal
- MoneyShot
- font twelve Good
- MoonPie Cadet Good
- Superstar DJ
- Dynomite
- Kravitz
- Hungrumlaut
- Sporto
- Sabadoo
- Snappy
- Chickabiddies
- Mandingo
- Heartbreaker
- Smilage
- Wunderland
- Return of the Retrobats
- Kruffy
- Baby Kruffy
- Rocket
- Hoedown
- Fat
- Atomic
- Trendy University
- Pogo
- Elvis
- Swinger
- OmegaMax
- Surf Safari
- Jokewood
- Disco Inferno
- Fine-O-Mite
- Chick
- Great Head
- EIght Track
- SpeedFreek
- The Oddessey Series
- dopenakedfoul
- Alpha Niner
- Oddessey 7000
- Lounge Bait
- Spacebeach
- Jubie
- Oddessey 6000
- Oddessey 5000
- Oddessey 4000
- Oddessey 3000
- 0 Oddessey 2000
- Oddessey 1000
- RoboKid
- Pornhut
- Poppycock
- Funkotronic
- UndieCrust
- International Chunkfunk
- BeanTown
- Kinkie
- BorderMon
- 0 Technicolor
- Moloky
- Jabbie Junior
- RaveQueen
- Alpha Clown
- AlphaStep
- Croobie
- Chachie
- Wednesday
- the Populuxe Series
- SuperTrooper
- Fontalicious Thingbats
- Good Head
- GeekBats
- Fidelle
- Dreamy
- Mister Easy & Mister Dope
- Skylab 600
- gloo-gun
- Garage Sale
- Mikey Jax
- Joinks!
- Zodiastic
- Caveman
- Arcade
- Frosty
- Cosmojunk
- Swinkydad
- Cyberwhiz
- Earwax
- Klink-O-Mite
- Dazzler
- Galaxy
- GirlieLeslie
- Cyberjimmy
- SpaceAce
- Vintage Vacation
- Pinniepoker
- Pimpbot 5000
- Pac-Font
- MoonPie Cadet
- font twelve
- Discotech
- Quinkie
- Geeves
- Chankenstein
- Porkys